Faith, Law of Attraction, miracles, Trust, Twin Flames

Don’t Quit Before the Miracle Appears

Do you notice repeating patterns in your life? It may come across as repeating numbers, repeating words, or repeating phrases. I pay close attention when this is happening as this is the way God is getting your attention and trying to communicate something important to you. I wanted to share a repeating word I've been… Continue reading Don’t Quit Before the Miracle Appears

Faith, Happiness, Law of Attraction, love, Purpose, Trust, Twin Flames


    Surrender is a key lesson in the twin flame journey.  You may have heard phrases such as "surrender to the outcome"; "surrender to divine timing"; or "surrender to divine order".  Rumi also has a quote that states "Try something new. Surrender."  What is surrendering and why is it so difficult? To surrender means… Continue reading Surrendering